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froth pump impellers1 1
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froth pump impellers1

AHF Froth Pumps, Slurry Pump Wear Parts, Slurry Pump Components



FAHF6056QU1, EAHF4056QU1


Slurry Pump Parts


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    CNSME has first-class technology and first-class service.

    Interchangeable slurry pump parts!

    CNSME SHF (AHF) Froth Pumps are heavy duty horizontal pumps designed to handle difficult tenacious froth. 

    Froth handling can be quite frustrating in some applications, and the froth inducer blade impeller solves this problem. Another benefit of a froth impeller design and oversized pump inlet is that it raises the solids concentration limits that a common centrifugal pump can handle. 
    This froth impeller has 4 open vanes, and below is an example curve of 4'' froth pump. 
    froth pump Impelle curve

    The Froth Pump Impellers will be well packed by our standard export cartons.

    CNSME has first-class technology and first-class service.

    Interchangeable slurry pump parts!

    CNSME SHF (AHF) Froth Pumps are heavy duty horizontal pumps designed to handle difficult tenacious froth. 

    Froth handling can be quite frustrating in some applications, and the froth inducer blade impeller solves this problem. Another benefit of a froth impeller design and oversized pump inlet is that it raises the solids concentration limits that a common centrifugal pump can handle. 
    This froth impeller has 4 open vanes, and below is an example curve of 4'' froth pump. 
    froth pump Impelle curve

    The Froth Pump Impellers will be well packed by our standard export cartons.

    Get in touch with us
    Just leave your email or phone number in the contact form so we can send you a free quote for our wide range of designs
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    Our professional slurry pump team is always At your services.

    We are engaged in the manufacturing and producing of heavy duty and severe duty slurry pumps and spare parts.
    Every CNSME product comes with an industryeading promise to weather years of memories.
    Safe, fast, and on-time delivery.
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    Contact Us

    Contact: Ms.Serena Zhang

    Tel: +86 13333119820

    Email: sales@cnsmepump.com 

    WhatsApp: +86 13333119820

    Add: 260# West Huaian Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. 050051.

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