CNSME PUMP's website has been fully revamped and is now officially live! In addition to upgrading the website, we have also refreshed our company logo, presenting a more modern and professional brand image. As a leading supplier of slurry pumps and spare parts, CNSME PUMP is dedicated to providing efficient, durable pump products and customized solutions for global customers. Whether in mining, metallurgy, power plants, or other heavy industries, we offer high-quality pump equipment and accessories to support your needs. Visit our website to learn more and join us as we embark on an even brighter future!
Our professional slurry pump team is always At your services.
Contact: Ms.Serena Zhang
Tel: +86 13333119820
WhatsApp: +86 13333119820
Add: 260# West Huaian Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. 050051.