Froth Pump is designed for slurry containing froth and pulp. Froth pumping can be challenging however our range of horizontal froth pumps handle very dense slurries with ease. Designed to handle heavy froth, the CNSME® SF/75QV Froth Pump has a unique inlet and impeller design.
Foam facto can be used as a basis for choosing a pump. The "froth factor" is a measure of the air contained in the froth. It is quantified by filling a measuring cylinder or bucket, of known volume, with froth and measuring the froth column. After air dissipation the remaining water and solids volume is measured. The ratio of the original volume of froth to the remaining combined volume of water and solids is the "froth factor". Measured "froth factor" values are not employed by the flotation cell or pump designers. These are modified based on experience and application.
SF Froth Pump Structural Drawing: