In industry and mining, "sludge" is very different from the cement-containing slurries we see on a daily basis. The resulting sludge may be highly viscous, abrasive, corrosive, or a combination of the three. Industrial sludge must be removed, transported and safely disposed of as these sludges can be toxic to the environment. Conventional sump pumps are not well suited for handling heavy sludge and will have a significantly shorter lifespan than pumps designed to pump sludge and slurries efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to use professional MUD Pumps to pump these sludges.
Sludges, together with slurries, can be divided into two categories: those that contain solids that eventually settle, and those in which the solids remain in suspension.
Sludge containing permanently suspended particles is usually composed of very fine low impact particles that can be abrasive to the pump but mostly behave like water. Sludge containing particles that will eventually settle is a more unstable slurry that behaves differently than conventional liquids. When choosing a Sludge Pump, attention must be paid to flow rate and horsepower. Most slurry or sludge applications are made of coarse particles, so sludge pumps are designed for high impact and abrasion resistance.
At CNSME, we can help you identify the right type of sludge pump for your specific needs. We have an incredible engineering design team that comes up with concepts and develops excellent products. Call us today for more information or to discuss your requirements. We look forward to the opportunity of serving you as a valued customer.
Our professional slurry pump team is always At your services.
Contact: Ms.Serena Zhang
Tel: +86 13333119820
WhatsApp: +86 13333119820
Add: 260# West Huaian Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. 050051.